Preoperative counseling
In all clinics in The Netherlands, that serve laryngectomized patients, preoperative counseling by the speech pathologist is customary. Basic preoperative counseling involves explaining the basic principles of vocal rehabilitation as well as related aspects. For example, possible interfering factors such as problems with hearing, reading, writing, and visual acuity are addressed. The patient’s manual dexterity is assessed. Also, in most clinics, it is common to involve a laryngectomized visitor in the counseling of the patient prior to the laryngectomy; this is often done to familiarize him/her with the postoperative situation and to demonstrate the possibilities of voice rehabilitation and other aspects of postlaryngectomy life. Several authors have stressed the relevance of this approach in laryngectomy rehabilitation (Mohide, Archibald, Tew, Young, & Haines, 1992; Stam, Koopmans, & Methieson, 1991).