Closure of the TE-fistula can be indicated when there are problems such as widening of the fistula causing leakage around the prosthesis, not responding to temporary removal of the device, prolabation and/or infection of the TE-fistula, spontaneous extrusion of the prosthesis, postoperative wound infection problems around the stoma, severe hypopharyngeal stenosis or a too low or high position of the TE-fistula.
If the fistula exists longer than 6 months surgical closure is mostly needed. If the fistula is present less than 6 months or in patients with spontaneous extrusion of the prosthesis or infection of the fistula tract, spontaneous closure can be expected.
If the fistula exists longer than 6 months surgical closure is mostly needed. If the fistula is present less than 6 months or in patients with spontaneous extrusion of the prosthesis or infection of the fistula tract, spontaneous closure can be expected.