References (under revision)
1. Hilgers FJM, Schouwenburg PF. A new low-resistance, self-retaining prosthesis (Provox) for voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Laryngoscope 1990; 100, 1202-1207.
2. Hilgers FJM, Cornelissen MW, Balm AJM. Aerodynamic characteristics of the Provox lowresistance, indwelling voice prosthesis. Eur Archs ORL 1993; 250: 375-378.
3. Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM. Long-term results of vocal rehabilitation after total laryngectomy with the low-resistance, indwelling Provox voice prosthesis system. Clin Otolaryngol 1993; 18: 517-523.
4. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Balm AJM. Communication, functional disorders and life-style changes after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1994: 19: 295-300.
5. Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Gregor RT, Ackerstaff AH, Scholtens BEGM. Voice results using the in-dwelling Provoxvoice prosthesis. Voice Update; Proceedings 1st World Voice Congress, Oporto, April 9-13, 1995; ed. M Pais Clemente: Excerpta Medica ICS 1097, pp 173-182, 1996.
6. OpdeCoul B, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Tan IB, van Tinteren H, van den Hoogen FJA. A decade of postlaryngectomy vocal rehabilitation in 318 patients: a single institution’s experience with consistent application of ind-welling voice prostheses (Provox). Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000; 126: 1320-1328.
7. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Tan IB, Aaronson NK, Persson JO. Development and clinical evaluation of a second generation voice prosthesis (Provox2) designed for anterograde and retrograde insertion. Acta Otolaryngol 1997; 117: 889-896.
8. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Meeuwis CA, van der Velden LA, van den Hoogen FJA, Marres HAM, Vreeburg GCM, Manni JJ, Multiinstitutional assessment of the Provox 2 voice prosthesis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999;125:167-173.
9. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwijk N. Physical and psycho-social consequences of total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1990; 15: 421-425.
10. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, van Zandwijk N. Long-term pulmonary function status after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 547-551.
11. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Meeuwis CA, Knegt PPM, Weenink C. Pulmonary function pre and post total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1999; 24: 491-494.
12. Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Ackerstaff AH, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwijk N. The influence of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME) on the respiratory symptoms after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolar-yngol 1991; 16: 152-156.
13. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Balm AJM, van Zandwijk N. Improvements in respiratory and psychosocial functioning following total laryngectomy by the use of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME). Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1993; 102: 878-883.
14. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, de Boer MF, Meeuwis CA, Knegt PPM, Spoelstra HAA, van Zandwijk N, Balm AJM. Heat and moisture exchangers as a preventative treatment option in the rehabilitation of laryngectomized patients. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 504-509.
15. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Gregor RT. A new heat and moisture exchanger with speech valve (Provox Stomafilter). Clin Otolaryngol 1996; 21: 414-418.
16. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Tan IB. Long term compliance of laryngectomized patients with a specialized pulmonary rehabilitation device, Provox Stomafilter. Laryngoscope 1998; 108: 257-260.
17. As van CJ, Hilgers FJM, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, Ackerstaff AH. The influence of stoma occlusion on aspects of alaryngeal speech. Acta Otolaryngol 1998; 118: 732-738.
18. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, van As CJ, Balm AJM, van den Brekel MWM, Tan IB. Development and clinical assessment of a Heat and Moisture Exchanger with a multi-magnet automatic tracheostoma valve (Provox FreeHands HME) for vocal and pulmonary rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh), 2003;123;91-99.
19. Van Dam FSAM, Hilgers FJM, Emsbroek G, Touw FI, van As CJ, N de Jong. Deterioration of olfaction and gustation after total laryngectomy. Laryngoscope 1999; 109: 1150-1155.
20. Hilgers FJM, van Dam FSAM, Keyzers S, Koster MN, van As, Muller MJ. Rehabilitation of olfaction in laryngectomized patients by means of a Nasal Airflow Inducing Manoeuver: the ‘Polite Yawning’ technique. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000; 126: 726-732.
21. Hilgers FJM, Jansen HA, van As CJ, Polak MF, Muller MJ, van Dam FSAM. Long-term results of olfaction rehabilitation in laryngectomized individuals using the nasal airflow-inducing ‘Polite Yawn-ing’ maneuver. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002; 128: 648-654
Additional references:
in German:
- Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Gregor RT. Stimmrehabilitation nach Laryngektomie mit der Provox-Stimmprothese. Chirurgische und technische Aspekte. Teil I. HNO 1995; 43: 197-202.
- Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Gregor RT. Stimmrehabilitation nach Laryngektomie mit der Provox-Stimmprothese. Chirurgische und technische Aspekte. Teil II. HNO 1995; 43: 261-267.
- Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM. Die Folgen einer totalen Kehlkopfentfernung unter besonderer Beachtung der Rehabilitation der Stimme und der unteren Luftwege. HNO 1997; 45: 43-52.
in French:
- Hilgers FJM, Schouwenburg PF. Prothèse Provox. In: F. Le Huche et A. Allali, eds. Réhabilitation vocale après laryngectomie totale. Collection Phoniatrie. Masson, Paris/Milan/Barcelone/Bonn. 1993: pp 73-78.
in Dutch:
- Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwijk N. Lichamelijke en psy-chosociale gevolgen van totale larynxextirpatie en het effect van een warmte en vocht wisselaar. Ned Tijdschr Geneesk 1990; 134: 2438-2442.
- Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM. Totale laryngectomie: I. Stemrevalidatie en lichamelijke en psychosociale gevolgen. Logopedie & Foniatrie 1996; 6: 157-160.
- Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM. Totale laryngectomie: II. Longproblematiek en longrevalidatie. Logopedie & Foniatrie 1996; 7/8: 192-195.
Related papers and conference proceedings:
- Ackerstaff AH, Souren T, van Zandwijk N, Balm AJM, Hilgers FJM. Improvements in the assessment of pulmonary function in laryngectomized patients. Laryngoscope 1993; 103: 1391-1394.
- Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Gregor RT. Surgeon’s workshop: changing the indwelling Provox tracheo-esophageal voice prosthesis as an outpatient procedure. (Parker AJ, Clegg RT. Clin Otolaryngol 1993; 18: 145-149). Letter to the editor. Clin Otolaryngol 1994; 19: 174-175.
- Elias MM, Hilgers FJM, Keus RB, Gregor RT, Hart AAM, Balm AJM. Carcinoma of the hypopharynx; a retrospective analysis of the treatment results over a 20-year period. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 249-253.
- Hilgers FJM, Hoorweg JJ, Kroon BBR, Schaeffer B, de Boer JB, Balm AJM. Prosthetic voice rehabilita-tion with the Provox system after extensive pharyngeal resection and reconstruction. In: Jesus Algaba, ed. Surgery and prosthetic voice restoration after total and subtotal laryngectomy. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Surgical and Prosthetic Voice Restoration after Total Laryngectomy, San Sebastian 29 September - 1 October 1995. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series 1112. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Lausanne, New York, Oxford, Shannon, Tokyo. pp 111-120, 1996.
- van As CJ, Hilgers FJM, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ. Acoustical analysis and perceptual evaluation of tracheoesophageal prosthetic voice. J Voice 1998; 12: 239-248.
- As van CJ, Tigges M, Wittenberg T, Op de Coul BMR, Eysholdt U, Hilgers FJM. High-speed digital imaging of the neoglottic vibration after total laryngectomy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 125: 891-897.
- van As CJ, Op de Coul BMR, van den Hoogen FJA, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, Hilgers FJM. ‘Quantitative videofluoroscopy’: a new evaluation tool for tracheoesophageal voice production. Arch Otolaryn-gol Head Neck Surg 2001; 127: 161-169.
Netherlands Cancer Institute Theses on rehabilitation aspects after total laryngectomy:
- AH Ackerstaff: Physical and psychosocial consequences of total laryngectomy. University of Amster-dam. January 18, 1995.
- CJ van As: Analysis of postlaryngectomy prosthetic voice. University of Amsterdam, September 26, 2001.
- BRM Op de Coul: Postlaryngectomy voice rehabilitation themes: long term results, neoglottic imaging, quality of life and hands-free speech. Universities of Amsterdam and Nijmegen. Promotores Prof. dr F.J.M. Hilgers and Prof. dr K. Graamans. October 22, 2005
- JK Zuur: Postlaryngectomy pulmonary physiology and tracheal climate and the influence of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME). University of Amsterdam, April 4, 2008
- P Jongmans: Intelligibility of tracheoesophageal speech; an analytical and rehabilitation study. University of Amsterdam, June 18, 2008
- Renske Scheenstra: Influence of Heat and Moisture Exchangers (HMEs) on tracheal climate in laryngectomized individuals; toward optimal pulmonary rehabilitation. University of Amsterdam. February 26, 2011
Other papers of interest in relation to the Provox system:
- Ahmad I, Kumar BN, Radford K, O’Connell J, Batch AJG. Surgical voice restoration following abla-tive surgery for laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinoma. J. Laryngol. Otol. 2000;114:522-525.
- Aust MR, McCaffrey TV. Early speech results with the Provox voice prosthesis after laryngectomy. Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 1997;123(September):966-968.
- Baumann A, Hotz A, Zbaren P. Ergebnisse der Stimrehabilitation mit Provox-Prothesen. Schweiz. Med. Wochenschr. 2000;130 (Suppl. 116):77-79.
- Brasnu D, Pages JC, Laccourreye O, Jouffre V, Monfrais Pfauwadel MC, Crevier-Buchman L. Résul-tats des traitements de l’élargissement spontané des punctures trachéo-oesophagiennes avec implant-phonatoire. Ann Oto-Laryngol Chir Cervicofac 1994;111:456-460.
- Callanan V, Baldwin D, White-Thompson M, Beckinsale J, Nennett J. Provox valve use for post-laryng-ectomy voice rehabilitation. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 1995;109(November):1068-1071.
- Carpentier JWd, Ryder WDJ, Grad IS, Saeed SR, Woolford TJ. Survival times of Provox valves. The journal of Laryngology and Otology 1996;110(January):37-42.
- Chung RP, Patel P, Ter Keurs M, van Lith Bijl JT, Mahieu HF. In vitro an in vivo comparison of the low-resistance Groningen and the Provox tracheoesophageal voice prostheses. Rev. Laryngol. Otol. Rhinol. 1998;119:301-306.
- Davidson P. An easier way to speak again. Using the Provox2 voice prosthesis. Nursing Times 1998;94(April):53-55.
- Heaton JM, Parker AJ. In vitro comparison of the Groningen high resistance, Groningen low resistance and Provox speaking valves. J Laryngol Otol 1994;108:321-324.
- Laccourreye O, Ménard M, Crevier-Buchman L, Couloigner V, Brasnu D. In situ lifetime, causes for replacement, and complications of the Provox voice prosthesis. Laryngoscope 1997;107:527-530.
- Luff DA, Izzat S, Farrington WT. Viscoaugmentation as a treatment for leakage around the Provox2 voice rehabilitation system. J. Laryngol. Otol. 1999;113:847-848.
- Mianni C, Bellomo A, Bertino G, Staffieri A, Carello M, Belforte G. Dynamic behaviour of the Provox and Staffieri prostheses for voie rehabilitation following total laryngectomy. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1998;255:143-148.
- Panarese A, Clarke RW, Young P, Jackson SR, McCormick MS, Jones AS. Vocal rehabilitation after pharyngo-laryngectomy ---- The Provox valve. Clinical Otolaryngology 1994;19:427-429.
- Sandberg N, Söderpalm E, Svensson P, Almquist S-A. Voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. The Göteborg experience. Scandinavian Journal fo Logopedics and Phoniatrics 1992;17:163-167.
- Van den Hoogen FJA, Van den Berg RJH, Oudes MJ, Manni JJ. A prospective study of speech and voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy with the low-resistance Groningen, Nijdam and Provox voice prostheses. Clin. Otolaryngol. 1998;23:425-431.
- Van Weissenbruch R, Albers FWJ. Vocal rehabilitation after total laryngectomy using the Provox voice prosthesis. Clin. Otolaryngol. 1993;18:359-364.
- Van Weissenbruch R, Bouckaert S, Remon J-P, Nelis HJ, Aerts R, Albers FWJ. Chemoprophylaxis of fungal deterioration of the Provox silicone tracheoesophageal prosthesis in postlaryngectomy patients. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 1997;106:329-337.
- Vural E, Hanna E. Modification of the tracheal flange of the Provox voice prosthesis for easier inser-tion. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999;121:599-600.
- Schäfer P, Klützke N, Schwerdtfeger FP. Prothetische Stimmrehabilitation nach Laryngektomie. Laryn-go-Rhino-Otol 2001;80:677-681.
- Hotz MA, Baumann A, Schaller I, Zbaren P. Success and predictability of Provox prosthesis voice rehabilitation. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002;128:687-691.
Complete list of postlaryngectomy rehabilitation-related papers, including those published after the 4th edition of the Provox book/CD:
1. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwijk N. Physical and psychosocial consequences of total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1990; 15: 421-5.
2. Hilgers FJM, Schouwenburg PF. A new low-resistance, self-retaining prosthesis (ProvoxTM) for voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Laryngoscope 1990; 100: 1202-7.
3. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwijk N. Lichamelijke en psychosociale gevolgen van totale larynxextirpatie en het effect van een warmte en vocht wisselaar. [Physical and psychosocial sequelae of total larynx extirpation and the use of a heat and moisture exchanger.] Ned Tijdschr Geneesk 1990; 134: 2438‑2442
4. Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Ackerstaff AH, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwijk N. The influence of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME) on the respiratory symptoms after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1991; 16: 152-6.
5. Hilgers FJM, Cornelissen MW, Balm AJM. Aerodynamic characteristics of the low-resistance, indwelling ProvoxTM voice prosthesis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1993; 250: 375-8.
6. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Balm AJM, van Zandwijk N. Improvements in respiratory and psychosocial functioning following total laryngectomy by the use of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME). Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1993; 102: 878-83.
7. Ackerstaff AH, Souren T, van Zandwijk N, Balm AJM, Hilgers FJM. Improvements in the assessment of pulmonary function in laryngectomized patients. Laryngoscope 1993; 103: 1391-4.
8. Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM. Long term results of vocal rehabilitation after total laryngectomy with the low-resistance, indwelling ProvoxTM voice prosthesis system. Clin Otolaryngol 1993; 18: 517-23.
9. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Balm AJM. Communication, functional disorders and life-style changes after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1994; 19: 295-300.
10. Elias MM, Hilgers FJM, Keus RB, Gregor RT, Hart AAM, Balm AJM. Carcinoma of the hypopharynx; a retrospective analysis of the treatment results over a 20-year period. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 249-53.
11. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, de Boer MF, Meeuwis CA, Knegt PPM, Spoelstra HAA, van Zandwijk N, Balm AJM. Heat and moisture exchangers as a treatment option in the post-operative rehabilitation of laryngectomized patients. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 504-9.
12. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, van Zandwijk N. Long-term pulmonary function after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 547-51.
13. Verschuur HP, Gregor RT, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM. The tracheostoma in relation to prosthetic voice rehabilitation - How we do it. Laryngoscope 1996; 106: 111-5.
14. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Gregor RT. A new heat and moisture exchanger with speech valve (Provox® Stomafilter). Clin Otolaryngol 1996; 21: 414-8.
15. Hilgers FJM, Hoorweg JJ, Kroon BBR, Schaeffer B, de Boer JB, Balm AJM. Prosthetic voice rehabilitation with the Provox system after extensive pharyngeal resection and reconstruction. In: Jesus Algaba, ed. Surgery and prosthetic voice restoration after total and subtotal laryngectomy. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Surgical and Prosthetic Voice Restoration after Total Laryngectomy, San Sebastian 29 September ‑ 1 October 1995. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series 1112. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Lausanne, New York, Oxford, Shannon, Tokyo. pp 111-120, 1996.
16. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Tan IB, Aaronson NK, Persson JO. Development and clinical evaluation of a second generation voice prosthesis (Provox®2) designed for anterograde and retrograde insertion. Acta Otolaryngol 1997; 117: 889-96.
17. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Tan IB. Long term compliance of laryngectomized patients with a specialized pulmonary rehabilitation device, Provox® Stomafilter. Laryngoscope 1998; 108: 257-60.
18. van As CJ, Hilgers FJM, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ. Acoustical analysis and perceptual evaluation of tracheoesophageal prosthetic voice. J Voice 1998; 12: 239-48.
19. As van CJ, Hilgers FJM, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, Ackerstaff AH. The influence of stoma occlusion on aspects of alaryngeal speech. Acta Otolaryngol 1998; 118: 732-8.
20. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Meeuwis CA, van der Velden LA, van den Hoogen FJA, Marres HAM, Vreeburg GCM, Manni JJ. Multi-institutional assessment of the Provox®2 voice prosthesis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 125: 167-73.
21. As van CJ, Tigges M, Wittenberg T, Op de Coul BMR, Eysholdt U, Hilgers FJM. High-speed digital imaging of the neoglottic vibration after total laryngectomy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 125: 891-97.
22. Van Dam FSAM, Hilgers FJM, Emsbroek G, Touw FI, van As CJ, N de Jong. Deterioration of olfaction and gustation after total laryngectomy. Laryngoscope 1999; 109: 1150-5.
23. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Meeuwis CA, Knegt PPM, Weenink C. Pulmonary function pre and post total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1999; 24: 491-94
24. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH. Comprehensive rehabilitation after total laryngectomy is more than voice alone. Folia Phon Logop 2000; 52: 65-73.
25. Hilgers FJM, van Dam FSAM, Keyzers S, Koster MN, van As, Muller MJ. Rehabilitation of olfaction in laryngectomized patients by means of a Nasal Airflow Inducing Manoeuvre: the ‘Polite Yawning’ technique. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000; 126: 726-32.
26. OpdeCoul B, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Tan IB, van Tinteren H, van den Hoogen FJA. A decade of postlaryngectomy vocal rehabilitation in 318 patients: a single institution’s experience with consistent application of indwelling voice prostheses (Provox®). Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000; 126: 1320-8.
27. M Tigges, T Wittenberg, C van As, U Eysholdt, F Hilgers. Visualization of the Pharyngoesophageal Mucosa during Tracheoesophageal Phonation. In: Vision, Modelling and Visualization 2000: Proceedings; November 22-24, 2000, Saarbrücken, Germany. Ed. Bernd Girod, pp 391-398.
28. van As CJ, Op de Coul BMR, van den Hoogen FJA, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, Hilgers FJM. ‘Quantitative videofluoroscopy’: a new evaluation tool for tracheoesophageal voice production. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2001; 127: 161-9.
29. Hilgers FJM, Jansen HA, van As CJ, Polak MF, Muller MJ, van Dam FSAM. Long-term results of olfaction rehabilitation in laryngectomized individuals using the nasal airflow-inducing ‘Polite Yawning' maneuver. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002; 128: 648-654.
30. Hilgers FJM, van As CJ. Spraakrevalidatie na totale laryngectomie middles stemprothesen. Handboek voor Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie 2002; 18: (B1.3.7.2b) 1-30.
31. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, van As CJ, Balm AJM, van den Brekel MWM, Tan IB. Development and clinical assessment of a Heat and Moisture Exchanger with a multi-magnet automatic tracheostoma valve (Provox FreeHands HME) for vocal and pulmonary rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 2003; 123: 91-99.
32. van As CJ, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, PolsLCW, Hilgers FJM. Perceptual evaluations of tracheoesophageal speech by naive and experienced judges through the use of semantic differential scales. J Speech Lang Hear Res 2003: 46: 947-959.
33. Op de Coul BMR, van den Hoogen FJA, van As CJ, Marres HAM, Joosten FBM, Manni JJ, Hilgers FJM. Evaluation of the effects of primary myotomy in total laryngectomy on the neoglottis using quantitative videofluoroscopy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2003: 129: 1000-1005.
34. Brown DH, Hilgers FJ, Irish JC, Balm AJ. Postlaryngectomy voice rehabilitation: state of the art at the millennium. World J Surg 2003: 27: 824-831
35. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, van den Brekel MWM, Tan IB, Persson JO. A new problem-solving indwelling voice prosthesis, eliminating frequent candida- and ‘under-pressure’-related replacements: Provox ActiValve. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 2003; 123: 972-979.
36. Jongmans P, van As C, Pols L, Hilgers F. An introduction to the assessment of intelligibility of tracheoesophageal speech. Institute of Phonetic Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Proceedings 25 (2003), 185–196.
37. van As CJ, Op de Coul BRM, Eysholdt U, Hilgers FJM. The value of digital high--speed endoscopy in addition to videofluoroscopy imaging of the neoglottis in tracheoesophageal speech. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 2004: 124: 82-89.
38. Hilgers FJM, van As CJ, van Dam FSAM. De gaap-ruikmethode: weer ruiken na een totale laryngectomie. Lopogedie & Foniatrie 2004; 4: 526-530.
39. Op de Coul BMR, Ackerstaff AH, van As CJ, van den Hoogen FJA, Meeuwis CA, Manni JJ, Hilgers FJM. Quality of life assessment in laryngectomized individuals: do we need additions to standard questionnaires in specific clinical research projects? Clin Otolaryngol 2005;30: 169-175.
40. Hilgers FJM, van As CJ. Postlaryngectomy voice rehabilitation with the consistent use of indwelling voice prostheses. In: Contemporary Considerations in the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Head and Neck Cancer: Voice, Speech and Swallowing. Editors: Philip C. Doyle and Robert L. Keith. PRO ED, Inc., Austin, 2005; pp 453-479. ISBN 0-89079-988-1.
41. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH. Respiratory consequences of total laryngectomy and the need for pulmonary protection and rehabilitation. In: Contemporary Considerations in the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Head and Neck Cancer: Voice, Speech and Swallowing. Editors: Philip C. Doyle and Robert L. Keith. PRO ED, Inc., Austin, 2005; pp. 503-520. ISBN 0-89079-988-1.
42. van As CJ, Hilgers FJM, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, Pols LCW. Anatomical and functional correlates of voice quality in tracheoesophageal speech. J Voice 2005; 19: 360-372.
43. Op de Coul BNR, Ackerstaff AH, van As-Brooks CJ, van den Hoogen FJA, Meeuwis CA, Manni JJ, Hilgers FJM. Compliance, quality of life and quantitative voice quality aspects of hands-free speech. Acta Otolaryngol 2005; 125: 629-637.
44. Jongmans P, Hilgers FJM, Pols LCW, van As-Brooks CJ. The intelligibility of tracheoesophageal speech: first results. (Peer reviewed paper in proceedings Interspeech Conference Lisbon, Portugal September 4-8.2005) Interspeech 2005: 1749-1752.
45. Zuur JK, Muller SH, de Jongh FHC, van Zandwijk N, Hilgers FJM. The physiological rationale of heat and moisture exchangers in postlaryngectomy pulmonary rehabilitation; a review. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2006; 263: 1-8.
46. Hilgers FJM, van As-Brooks CJ, Polak RMF, Tan IB. How I do it: Surgical improvement of hypotonicity in tracheoesophageal speech. Laryngoscope 2006;116:345-348.
47. Hilgers FJM. Letter to the editor (concerning paper by Oosterhoff JJ, van der Mei HC, Busscher HJ, Free RH, Kaper HJ, van Weissenbruch R, Albers FW. In vitro leakage susceptibility of tracheoesophageal shunt prostheses in the absence and presence of a biofilm. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2005; 73: 23-8). J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2006; 77B: 447-449 (+ author’s reply).
48. Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, van den Brekel MWM, Tan IB. Problembehandlung bei der prothetischen Stimmrehabilitation nach (totaler) Laryngektomie. DPGW Journal 2006; 33: 41-51.
49. van As CJ, van Beinum FL, Pols LCW, Hilgers FJM. Acoustic signal typing for evaluation of voice quality in tracheoesophageal speech. J Voice 2006; 20: 355-368.
50. Ackerstaff AH, Zuur JK, Hilgers FJM. Pulmonary function and rehabilitation. Book chapter in: Head and Neck Cancer: Treatment, Rehabilitation and Outcomes. Editors: EC Ward and CJ van As-Brooks. Publisher: Plural Publishing, Inc. San Diego, 2006; pp313-324. ISBN 1-59756-061-8.
51. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH. Development and evaluation of a novel tracheostoma button and fixation system (Provox LaryButton and LaryClip adhesive) to facilitate hands free tracheoesophageal speech. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 2006; 126: 1218-1224.
52. Jongmans P, Hilgers FJM, Pols LCW, van As-Brooks CJ. The intelligibility of tracheoesophageal speech, with an emphasis on the voiced-voiceless distinction. Log Phon Vocol. 2006; 31:172-181.
53. Lorenz KJ, Groll K, Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Maier H. Hands-free speech after surgical voice rehabilitation with a Provox® voice prosthesis - Experience with the Provox FreeHands HME tracheostoma valve® system. Eur Arch ORL 2007; 264: 151-157.
54. Jongmans P, Wempe T, Hilgers FJM, Pols LCW, van As-Brooks CJ. Acoustic correlates of the voiced-voiceless distinction in Dutch tracheoesophageal speech. (Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, August 6-10, 2007) ICPhS Proceedings 2007; XVI: 1997-2000.
55. Zuur JK, Muller SH, de Jongh FHC, van der Horst MJ, Shehata M, van Leeuwen J, Sinaasappel M, Hilgers FJM. A newly developed tool for intra-tracheal temperature and humidity assessment in laryngectomized individuals: the Airway Climate Explorer (ACE). Medical Biological Engineering and Computing 2007; 45: 737-745
56. Zuur JK, Muller SH, Sinaasappel M, Hart AAM, van Zandwijk N, Hilgers FJM. The influence of heat and moisture exchanger respiratory load on transcutaneous oxygenation in laryngectomized individuals; a randomised crossover study. Head Neck 2007; 29: 1102-1110.
57. Soolsma J, van den Brekel MWM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Tan IB, Hilgers FJM. Long-term results of Provox ActiValve, solving the problem of frequent Candida- and ‘underpressure’-related voice prosthesis replacements. Laryngoscope 2008; 118: 252-257.
58. Hilgers FJM, Soolsma J, van den Brekel MWM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Tan IB. A thin tracheal silicone washer solving periprosthetic leakage in laryngectomees; direct results and long-term clinical effects. Laryngoscope. 2008; 118: 640-645.
59. Soolsma J, van den Brekel MWM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Tan IB, Hilgers FJM. Long-term results of Provox ActiValve, solving the problem of frequent Candida- and ‘underpressure’-related voice prosthesis replacements. Laryngoscope 2008; 118: 252-257.
60. Zuur JK, Muller SH, Vincent A, Sinaasappel M, de Jongh FHC, Hilgers FJM. Assessment of tracheal temperature and humidity in laryngectomized individuals and the influence of heat and moisture exchangers on tracheal climate. Head Neck 2008; 30: 1072-1082.
61. Hilgers FJM, van den Brekel MWM. Practical tips for voice rehabilitation after pharyngolaryngectomy. In: Pearls and Pittfalls in Head and Neck Surgery; practical tips to minimize complications. Editor Cernea CR; associate editors: Dias FL, Fliss D, Lima RA, Myers EN, Wei WI. Karger Publishers, Basel, Freiburg, Paris, London, New York, Bangalore, Bangkok, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokio, Sydney; 2008, pp 96-97. ISBN 978-3-8055-8425-8.
62. Dirven R, Hilgers FJM, Plooij JM, Maal TJJ, Bergé SJ, Verkerke GJ, Marres HAM. 3D Stereophotogrammetry for the assessment of tracheostoma anatomy. Acta Otolaryngol. 2008; 128: 1248-1254.
63. Hilgers FJM, van den Brekel MWM, van Tinteren H. Views on Acton el al. “Investigation of tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis leakage patterns: Patient's self-report versus clinician's confirmation”, Head Neck 2008; 30: 618-621. Letter to the editor. Head Neck 2008; 30: 1660-1661.
64. MA van Rossum, P Jongmans, CJ van As-Brooks, FJM Hilgers. De ontwikkeling van een evidence-based therapieprogramma voor het verbeteren van spraakverstaanbaarheid bij tracheoesofageale sprekers. (The development of an evidence-based therapy program for the improvement of intelligibility in tracheoesophageal speakers). Stem-, Spraak-, en Taalpathologie 2008; 16: 112-123.
65. MA van Rossum, CJ van As-Brooks, FJM Hilgers, M Roozen. Quality of ‘glottal’ stops in tracheoesophageal speakers. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 2009; 23:1-14.
66. Hilgers FJM. Primary postlaryngectomy vocal, pulmonary and olfactory rehabilitation: an update on the present global state of the art. J Jap Bronchoesophagol Soc 2009; 60: 142-150.
67. VB Wreesmann, LM Smeele, FJM Hilgers, PJFM Lohuis. Closure of tracheoesophageal fistula with prefabricated revascularized bilaminar radial forearm free flap. Head Neck 2009; 31: 838-842.
68. Annemieke Ackerstaff, Frans Hilgers. Pulmonary rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. In: Voice restoration after total laryngectomy; Current science and future perspectives. Edited by Umanath K. Nayak, Aand Rehan Kazi. With Forewords by Eric D. Blom and Frans J.M. Hilgers. Publisher: Byword Books Private Limited, Delhi, India; 2009, pp 89-100.
69. Annemieke Ackerstaff, Frans Hilgers. Quality-of-life issues after total laryngectomy. In: Voice restoration after total laryngectomy; Current science and future perspectives. Edited by Umanath K. Nayak, Aand Rehan Kazi. With Forewords by Eric D. Blom and Frans J.M. Hilgers. Publisher: Byword Books Private Limited, Delhi, India; 2009, pp 101-112.
70. MA van Rossum, P Jongmans, CJ van As-Brooks, FJM Hilgers. Spraakverstaanbaarheid bij tracheoesophageal sprekers; een therapieprogramma voor het verbeteren van spraakverstaanbaarheid. Logopedie en Foniatrie 2009; 5: 172-176.
71. R Scheenstra, SH Muller, A Vincent, M Sinaasappel, JK Zuur, FJM Hilgers. Endotracheal temperature and humidity measurements in laryngectomized patients: intra- and inter-patient variability. Med Biol Eng Comput 2009; 47:773–782.
72. JK Zuur, SH Muller, A Vincent, M Sinaasappel, FHC de Jongh, FJM Hilgers. The influence of a heat and moisture exchanger on tracheal climate in a cold environment. Medical Engineering and Physics 2009; 31: 852-857.
73. I Jacobi, AH Ackerstaff, MA van Rossum, FJM Hilgers. Acoustic evaluation and speaker-subjective perception of tracheoesophageal voicing. Proceedings of the AVFA 3rd Advanced Voice Function International Workshop, Madrid, Spain, May 18-20, 2009; pp. 77-80.
74. Hilgers FJM, Tan IB. Comprehensive (prosthetic) voice, pulmonary and olfaction rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Book chapter (chapter 96) in: ‘Head and Neck Surgery’; editor in chief Chris de Souza; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD, New Delhi, India, 2009; pp 1390-1408.
75. FJM Hilgers, AH Ackerstaff, M van Rossum, I Jacobi, AJM Balm, IB Tan, MWM van den Brekel. Clinical phase I / feasibility study of the next generation indwelling Provox voice prosthesis (Provox Vega). Acta Otolaryngol. 2010; 130: 511-519.
76. P Jongmans, AG Wempe, H van Tinteren, FJM Hilgers, LCW Pols, CJ van As-Brooks. The acoustic analysis of the voiced-voiceless distinction in Dutch tracheoesophageal speech. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2010; 53: 284-97.
77. Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, van den Brekel MWM, Tan IB. Chapter 13. Surgery for larynx and hypopharyngeal cancer; f. Voice restoration. In: Surgery of Larynx and Trachea. Editors: Remacle and Eckel. Springer Verlag, Stuttgart; 2010; pp 245-256.
78. Hilgers FJM, van den Brekel MWM. Chapter 113: Vocal and Speech Rehabilitation Following Laryngectomy. In: Cummings Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery. 5th Edition. Editors: Flint, Haughey, Richardson, Robbins, Thomas, Niparko, and Lund. Elsevier, Philadelphia; 2010; pp 1594-1610.
79. Scheenstra RJ, Muller SH, Vincent A,Ackerstaff AH, Jacobi I, Hilgers FJM. Short-term endotracheal climate changes and clinical effects of a heat and moisture exchanger with an integrated electrostatic virus and bacterial filter developed for laryngectomized individuals. Acta Otolaryngol. 2010; 130; 739-746.
80. FJM Hilgers, AH Ackerstaff, I Jacobi, AJM Balm, IB Tan, MWM van den Brekel. Prospective clinical phase II study of two new indwelling voice prostheses (Provox Vega 22.5 and 20 Fr), and a novel anterograde insertion device (Provox Smart Inserter). Laryngoscope 2010; 120: 1135-1143.
81. R Dirven, PGC Kooijman, TJJ Maal, FJM Hilgers, SJ Bergé, HAM Marres. An external neck brace to support the peristomal fixation of an automatic stoma valve (ASV): 3D sterophotogrammetrical assessment. Acta Otolaryngol. 2010; 130: 851-858.
82. Scheenstra RJ, Muller SH, Vincent A, Sinaasappel M, Hilgers FJM. The influence of breathing resistance of heat and moisture exchangers on tracheal climate and breathing pattern in laryngectomized individuals. Head Neck 2010; 32: 1069-1078.
83. Karakullukcu B, Lohuis PJ, vd Brekel MW, Hilgers FJM. Sealing of small post-laryngectomy pharyngocutaneous fistulas with voice prosthesis. Laryngoscope 2010; 120: 1971-1973
84. RJ Scheenstra, SH Muller, A Vincent, FJM Hilgers. Heat and moisture exchange capacity of the upper respiratory tract and the effect of tracheotomy breathing on endotracheal climate. Head Neck 2011; 33: 117-124
85. van Son RJJH, Jacobi I, Hilgers F. Manipulating Tracheoesophageal Speech. Proceedings Interspeech 2010, Makuhari, Japan, pp. 274-277.
86. Irene Jacobi, Lisette van der Molen, Maya van Rossum, Frans Hilgers. Pre- and Short-term Posttreatment Vocal Functioning in Patients with Advanced Head and Neck Cancer Treated with Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy. Proceedings Interspeech 2010, Makuhari, Japan, pp. 2582-2585
87. L Baijens, R Speijer, N Roodenburg, F Hilgers. Prosthetic tracheoesophageal voice production and swallowing function in a patient following circumferential pharyngolaryngectomy and neopharyngeal reconstruction with a jejunal free flap. Dysphagia 2011; 26:78–84
88. RJ Scheenstra, SH Muller, A Vincent, A Ackerstaff, I Jacobi, FJM Hilgers. The effect of a newly developed heat and moisture exchanger for pulmonary rehabilitation of laryngectomized patients on the endotracheal temperature and humidity. Respiratory Care 2011; 56: 604-611
89. RJ Scheenstra, SH Muller, FJM Hilgers. Endotracheal temperature and humidity in laryngectomized patients in a warm and dry environment; are heat and moisture exchangers still effective? Head Neck 2011; 33: 1285-1293
90. EB van der Houwen, TA van Kalkeren, WJ Post, FJM Hilgers, BFAM van der Laan, GJ Verkerke. Does the patch fit the stoma? A study on peristoma geometry and patch use in laryngectomized patients. Clinical Otolaryngol. Online March 23, 2011
91. van Kalkeren TA, van der Houwen EB, Duits MA, Hilgers FJ, Hebe A, Mostafa BE, Lawson G, Martinez Z, Woisard V, Marioni G, Ruske D, Schultz P, Post WJ, Verkerke BJ, van der Laan BF. A worldwide, multi center study of peristomal geometry and morphology in laryngectomees and its clinical effects. Head Neck, online March 29, 2011
92. Jean-Claude Mérol, Anne Charpiot, Thibault Langagne, Patrick Hémar, Annemieke H Ackerstaff, Frans JM Hilgers. Randomized controlled trial on postoperative pulmonary humidification after total laryngectomy: External Humidifier versus Heat and Moisture Exchanger. Laryngoscope online N0vember 24, 2011.
2. Hilgers FJM, Cornelissen MW, Balm AJM. Aerodynamic characteristics of the Provox lowresistance, indwelling voice prosthesis. Eur Archs ORL 1993; 250: 375-378.
3. Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM. Long-term results of vocal rehabilitation after total laryngectomy with the low-resistance, indwelling Provox voice prosthesis system. Clin Otolaryngol 1993; 18: 517-523.
4. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Balm AJM. Communication, functional disorders and life-style changes after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1994: 19: 295-300.
5. Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Gregor RT, Ackerstaff AH, Scholtens BEGM. Voice results using the in-dwelling Provoxvoice prosthesis. Voice Update; Proceedings 1st World Voice Congress, Oporto, April 9-13, 1995; ed. M Pais Clemente: Excerpta Medica ICS 1097, pp 173-182, 1996.
6. OpdeCoul B, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Tan IB, van Tinteren H, van den Hoogen FJA. A decade of postlaryngectomy vocal rehabilitation in 318 patients: a single institution’s experience with consistent application of ind-welling voice prostheses (Provox). Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000; 126: 1320-1328.
7. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Tan IB, Aaronson NK, Persson JO. Development and clinical evaluation of a second generation voice prosthesis (Provox2) designed for anterograde and retrograde insertion. Acta Otolaryngol 1997; 117: 889-896.
8. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Meeuwis CA, van der Velden LA, van den Hoogen FJA, Marres HAM, Vreeburg GCM, Manni JJ, Multiinstitutional assessment of the Provox 2 voice prosthesis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999;125:167-173.
9. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwijk N. Physical and psycho-social consequences of total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1990; 15: 421-425.
10. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, van Zandwijk N. Long-term pulmonary function status after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 547-551.
11. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Meeuwis CA, Knegt PPM, Weenink C. Pulmonary function pre and post total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1999; 24: 491-494.
12. Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Ackerstaff AH, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwijk N. The influence of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME) on the respiratory symptoms after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolar-yngol 1991; 16: 152-156.
13. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Balm AJM, van Zandwijk N. Improvements in respiratory and psychosocial functioning following total laryngectomy by the use of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME). Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1993; 102: 878-883.
14. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, de Boer MF, Meeuwis CA, Knegt PPM, Spoelstra HAA, van Zandwijk N, Balm AJM. Heat and moisture exchangers as a preventative treatment option in the rehabilitation of laryngectomized patients. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 504-509.
15. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Gregor RT. A new heat and moisture exchanger with speech valve (Provox Stomafilter). Clin Otolaryngol 1996; 21: 414-418.
16. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Tan IB. Long term compliance of laryngectomized patients with a specialized pulmonary rehabilitation device, Provox Stomafilter. Laryngoscope 1998; 108: 257-260.
17. As van CJ, Hilgers FJM, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, Ackerstaff AH. The influence of stoma occlusion on aspects of alaryngeal speech. Acta Otolaryngol 1998; 118: 732-738.
18. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, van As CJ, Balm AJM, van den Brekel MWM, Tan IB. Development and clinical assessment of a Heat and Moisture Exchanger with a multi-magnet automatic tracheostoma valve (Provox FreeHands HME) for vocal and pulmonary rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh), 2003;123;91-99.
19. Van Dam FSAM, Hilgers FJM, Emsbroek G, Touw FI, van As CJ, N de Jong. Deterioration of olfaction and gustation after total laryngectomy. Laryngoscope 1999; 109: 1150-1155.
20. Hilgers FJM, van Dam FSAM, Keyzers S, Koster MN, van As, Muller MJ. Rehabilitation of olfaction in laryngectomized patients by means of a Nasal Airflow Inducing Manoeuver: the ‘Polite Yawning’ technique. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000; 126: 726-732.
21. Hilgers FJM, Jansen HA, van As CJ, Polak MF, Muller MJ, van Dam FSAM. Long-term results of olfaction rehabilitation in laryngectomized individuals using the nasal airflow-inducing ‘Polite Yawn-ing’ maneuver. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002; 128: 648-654
Additional references:
in German:
- Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Gregor RT. Stimmrehabilitation nach Laryngektomie mit der Provox-Stimmprothese. Chirurgische und technische Aspekte. Teil I. HNO 1995; 43: 197-202.
- Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Gregor RT. Stimmrehabilitation nach Laryngektomie mit der Provox-Stimmprothese. Chirurgische und technische Aspekte. Teil II. HNO 1995; 43: 261-267.
- Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM. Die Folgen einer totalen Kehlkopfentfernung unter besonderer Beachtung der Rehabilitation der Stimme und der unteren Luftwege. HNO 1997; 45: 43-52.
in French:
- Hilgers FJM, Schouwenburg PF. Prothèse Provox. In: F. Le Huche et A. Allali, eds. Réhabilitation vocale après laryngectomie totale. Collection Phoniatrie. Masson, Paris/Milan/Barcelone/Bonn. 1993: pp 73-78.
in Dutch:
- Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwijk N. Lichamelijke en psy-chosociale gevolgen van totale larynxextirpatie en het effect van een warmte en vocht wisselaar. Ned Tijdschr Geneesk 1990; 134: 2438-2442.
- Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM. Totale laryngectomie: I. Stemrevalidatie en lichamelijke en psychosociale gevolgen. Logopedie & Foniatrie 1996; 6: 157-160.
- Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM. Totale laryngectomie: II. Longproblematiek en longrevalidatie. Logopedie & Foniatrie 1996; 7/8: 192-195.
Related papers and conference proceedings:
- Ackerstaff AH, Souren T, van Zandwijk N, Balm AJM, Hilgers FJM. Improvements in the assessment of pulmonary function in laryngectomized patients. Laryngoscope 1993; 103: 1391-1394.
- Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Gregor RT. Surgeon’s workshop: changing the indwelling Provox tracheo-esophageal voice prosthesis as an outpatient procedure. (Parker AJ, Clegg RT. Clin Otolaryngol 1993; 18: 145-149). Letter to the editor. Clin Otolaryngol 1994; 19: 174-175.
- Elias MM, Hilgers FJM, Keus RB, Gregor RT, Hart AAM, Balm AJM. Carcinoma of the hypopharynx; a retrospective analysis of the treatment results over a 20-year period. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 249-253.
- Hilgers FJM, Hoorweg JJ, Kroon BBR, Schaeffer B, de Boer JB, Balm AJM. Prosthetic voice rehabilita-tion with the Provox system after extensive pharyngeal resection and reconstruction. In: Jesus Algaba, ed. Surgery and prosthetic voice restoration after total and subtotal laryngectomy. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Surgical and Prosthetic Voice Restoration after Total Laryngectomy, San Sebastian 29 September - 1 October 1995. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series 1112. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Lausanne, New York, Oxford, Shannon, Tokyo. pp 111-120, 1996.
- van As CJ, Hilgers FJM, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ. Acoustical analysis and perceptual evaluation of tracheoesophageal prosthetic voice. J Voice 1998; 12: 239-248.
- As van CJ, Tigges M, Wittenberg T, Op de Coul BMR, Eysholdt U, Hilgers FJM. High-speed digital imaging of the neoglottic vibration after total laryngectomy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 125: 891-897.
- van As CJ, Op de Coul BMR, van den Hoogen FJA, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, Hilgers FJM. ‘Quantitative videofluoroscopy’: a new evaluation tool for tracheoesophageal voice production. Arch Otolaryn-gol Head Neck Surg 2001; 127: 161-169.
Netherlands Cancer Institute Theses on rehabilitation aspects after total laryngectomy:
- AH Ackerstaff: Physical and psychosocial consequences of total laryngectomy. University of Amster-dam. January 18, 1995.
- CJ van As: Analysis of postlaryngectomy prosthetic voice. University of Amsterdam, September 26, 2001.
- BRM Op de Coul: Postlaryngectomy voice rehabilitation themes: long term results, neoglottic imaging, quality of life and hands-free speech. Universities of Amsterdam and Nijmegen. Promotores Prof. dr F.J.M. Hilgers and Prof. dr K. Graamans. October 22, 2005
- JK Zuur: Postlaryngectomy pulmonary physiology and tracheal climate and the influence of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME). University of Amsterdam, April 4, 2008
- P Jongmans: Intelligibility of tracheoesophageal speech; an analytical and rehabilitation study. University of Amsterdam, June 18, 2008
- Renske Scheenstra: Influence of Heat and Moisture Exchangers (HMEs) on tracheal climate in laryngectomized individuals; toward optimal pulmonary rehabilitation. University of Amsterdam. February 26, 2011
Other papers of interest in relation to the Provox system:
- Ahmad I, Kumar BN, Radford K, O’Connell J, Batch AJG. Surgical voice restoration following abla-tive surgery for laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinoma. J. Laryngol. Otol. 2000;114:522-525.
- Aust MR, McCaffrey TV. Early speech results with the Provox voice prosthesis after laryngectomy. Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 1997;123(September):966-968.
- Baumann A, Hotz A, Zbaren P. Ergebnisse der Stimrehabilitation mit Provox-Prothesen. Schweiz. Med. Wochenschr. 2000;130 (Suppl. 116):77-79.
- Brasnu D, Pages JC, Laccourreye O, Jouffre V, Monfrais Pfauwadel MC, Crevier-Buchman L. Résul-tats des traitements de l’élargissement spontané des punctures trachéo-oesophagiennes avec implant-phonatoire. Ann Oto-Laryngol Chir Cervicofac 1994;111:456-460.
- Callanan V, Baldwin D, White-Thompson M, Beckinsale J, Nennett J. Provox valve use for post-laryng-ectomy voice rehabilitation. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 1995;109(November):1068-1071.
- Carpentier JWd, Ryder WDJ, Grad IS, Saeed SR, Woolford TJ. Survival times of Provox valves. The journal of Laryngology and Otology 1996;110(January):37-42.
- Chung RP, Patel P, Ter Keurs M, van Lith Bijl JT, Mahieu HF. In vitro an in vivo comparison of the low-resistance Groningen and the Provox tracheoesophageal voice prostheses. Rev. Laryngol. Otol. Rhinol. 1998;119:301-306.
- Davidson P. An easier way to speak again. Using the Provox2 voice prosthesis. Nursing Times 1998;94(April):53-55.
- Heaton JM, Parker AJ. In vitro comparison of the Groningen high resistance, Groningen low resistance and Provox speaking valves. J Laryngol Otol 1994;108:321-324.
- Laccourreye O, Ménard M, Crevier-Buchman L, Couloigner V, Brasnu D. In situ lifetime, causes for replacement, and complications of the Provox voice prosthesis. Laryngoscope 1997;107:527-530.
- Luff DA, Izzat S, Farrington WT. Viscoaugmentation as a treatment for leakage around the Provox2 voice rehabilitation system. J. Laryngol. Otol. 1999;113:847-848.
- Mianni C, Bellomo A, Bertino G, Staffieri A, Carello M, Belforte G. Dynamic behaviour of the Provox and Staffieri prostheses for voie rehabilitation following total laryngectomy. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1998;255:143-148.
- Panarese A, Clarke RW, Young P, Jackson SR, McCormick MS, Jones AS. Vocal rehabilitation after pharyngo-laryngectomy ---- The Provox valve. Clinical Otolaryngology 1994;19:427-429.
- Sandberg N, Söderpalm E, Svensson P, Almquist S-A. Voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. The Göteborg experience. Scandinavian Journal fo Logopedics and Phoniatrics 1992;17:163-167.
- Van den Hoogen FJA, Van den Berg RJH, Oudes MJ, Manni JJ. A prospective study of speech and voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy with the low-resistance Groningen, Nijdam and Provox voice prostheses. Clin. Otolaryngol. 1998;23:425-431.
- Van Weissenbruch R, Albers FWJ. Vocal rehabilitation after total laryngectomy using the Provox voice prosthesis. Clin. Otolaryngol. 1993;18:359-364.
- Van Weissenbruch R, Bouckaert S, Remon J-P, Nelis HJ, Aerts R, Albers FWJ. Chemoprophylaxis of fungal deterioration of the Provox silicone tracheoesophageal prosthesis in postlaryngectomy patients. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 1997;106:329-337.
- Vural E, Hanna E. Modification of the tracheal flange of the Provox voice prosthesis for easier inser-tion. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999;121:599-600.
- Schäfer P, Klützke N, Schwerdtfeger FP. Prothetische Stimmrehabilitation nach Laryngektomie. Laryn-go-Rhino-Otol 2001;80:677-681.
- Hotz MA, Baumann A, Schaller I, Zbaren P. Success and predictability of Provox prosthesis voice rehabilitation. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002;128:687-691.
Complete list of postlaryngectomy rehabilitation-related papers, including those published after the 4th edition of the Provox book/CD:
1. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwijk N. Physical and psychosocial consequences of total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1990; 15: 421-5.
2. Hilgers FJM, Schouwenburg PF. A new low-resistance, self-retaining prosthesis (ProvoxTM) for voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Laryngoscope 1990; 100: 1202-7.
3. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwijk N. Lichamelijke en psychosociale gevolgen van totale larynxextirpatie en het effect van een warmte en vocht wisselaar. [Physical and psychosocial sequelae of total larynx extirpation and the use of a heat and moisture exchanger.] Ned Tijdschr Geneesk 1990; 134: 2438‑2442
4. Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Ackerstaff AH, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwijk N. The influence of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME) on the respiratory symptoms after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1991; 16: 152-6.
5. Hilgers FJM, Cornelissen MW, Balm AJM. Aerodynamic characteristics of the low-resistance, indwelling ProvoxTM voice prosthesis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1993; 250: 375-8.
6. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Balm AJM, van Zandwijk N. Improvements in respiratory and psychosocial functioning following total laryngectomy by the use of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME). Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1993; 102: 878-83.
7. Ackerstaff AH, Souren T, van Zandwijk N, Balm AJM, Hilgers FJM. Improvements in the assessment of pulmonary function in laryngectomized patients. Laryngoscope 1993; 103: 1391-4.
8. Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM. Long term results of vocal rehabilitation after total laryngectomy with the low-resistance, indwelling ProvoxTM voice prosthesis system. Clin Otolaryngol 1993; 18: 517-23.
9. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Balm AJM. Communication, functional disorders and life-style changes after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1994; 19: 295-300.
10. Elias MM, Hilgers FJM, Keus RB, Gregor RT, Hart AAM, Balm AJM. Carcinoma of the hypopharynx; a retrospective analysis of the treatment results over a 20-year period. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 249-53.
11. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, de Boer MF, Meeuwis CA, Knegt PPM, Spoelstra HAA, van Zandwijk N, Balm AJM. Heat and moisture exchangers as a treatment option in the post-operative rehabilitation of laryngectomized patients. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 504-9.
12. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, van Zandwijk N. Long-term pulmonary function after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 547-51.
13. Verschuur HP, Gregor RT, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM. The tracheostoma in relation to prosthetic voice rehabilitation - How we do it. Laryngoscope 1996; 106: 111-5.
14. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Gregor RT. A new heat and moisture exchanger with speech valve (Provox® Stomafilter). Clin Otolaryngol 1996; 21: 414-8.
15. Hilgers FJM, Hoorweg JJ, Kroon BBR, Schaeffer B, de Boer JB, Balm AJM. Prosthetic voice rehabilitation with the Provox system after extensive pharyngeal resection and reconstruction. In: Jesus Algaba, ed. Surgery and prosthetic voice restoration after total and subtotal laryngectomy. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Surgical and Prosthetic Voice Restoration after Total Laryngectomy, San Sebastian 29 September ‑ 1 October 1995. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series 1112. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Lausanne, New York, Oxford, Shannon, Tokyo. pp 111-120, 1996.
16. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Tan IB, Aaronson NK, Persson JO. Development and clinical evaluation of a second generation voice prosthesis (Provox®2) designed for anterograde and retrograde insertion. Acta Otolaryngol 1997; 117: 889-96.
17. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Tan IB. Long term compliance of laryngectomized patients with a specialized pulmonary rehabilitation device, Provox® Stomafilter. Laryngoscope 1998; 108: 257-60.
18. van As CJ, Hilgers FJM, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ. Acoustical analysis and perceptual evaluation of tracheoesophageal prosthetic voice. J Voice 1998; 12: 239-48.
19. As van CJ, Hilgers FJM, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, Ackerstaff AH. The influence of stoma occlusion on aspects of alaryngeal speech. Acta Otolaryngol 1998; 118: 732-8.
20. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Meeuwis CA, van der Velden LA, van den Hoogen FJA, Marres HAM, Vreeburg GCM, Manni JJ. Multi-institutional assessment of the Provox®2 voice prosthesis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 125: 167-73.
21. As van CJ, Tigges M, Wittenberg T, Op de Coul BMR, Eysholdt U, Hilgers FJM. High-speed digital imaging of the neoglottic vibration after total laryngectomy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 125: 891-97.
22. Van Dam FSAM, Hilgers FJM, Emsbroek G, Touw FI, van As CJ, N de Jong. Deterioration of olfaction and gustation after total laryngectomy. Laryngoscope 1999; 109: 1150-5.
23. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Meeuwis CA, Knegt PPM, Weenink C. Pulmonary function pre and post total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1999; 24: 491-94
24. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH. Comprehensive rehabilitation after total laryngectomy is more than voice alone. Folia Phon Logop 2000; 52: 65-73.
25. Hilgers FJM, van Dam FSAM, Keyzers S, Koster MN, van As, Muller MJ. Rehabilitation of olfaction in laryngectomized patients by means of a Nasal Airflow Inducing Manoeuvre: the ‘Polite Yawning’ technique. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000; 126: 726-32.
26. OpdeCoul B, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Tan IB, van Tinteren H, van den Hoogen FJA. A decade of postlaryngectomy vocal rehabilitation in 318 patients: a single institution’s experience with consistent application of indwelling voice prostheses (Provox®). Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000; 126: 1320-8.
27. M Tigges, T Wittenberg, C van As, U Eysholdt, F Hilgers. Visualization of the Pharyngoesophageal Mucosa during Tracheoesophageal Phonation. In: Vision, Modelling and Visualization 2000: Proceedings; November 22-24, 2000, Saarbrücken, Germany. Ed. Bernd Girod, pp 391-398.
28. van As CJ, Op de Coul BMR, van den Hoogen FJA, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, Hilgers FJM. ‘Quantitative videofluoroscopy’: a new evaluation tool for tracheoesophageal voice production. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2001; 127: 161-9.
29. Hilgers FJM, Jansen HA, van As CJ, Polak MF, Muller MJ, van Dam FSAM. Long-term results of olfaction rehabilitation in laryngectomized individuals using the nasal airflow-inducing ‘Polite Yawning' maneuver. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002; 128: 648-654.
30. Hilgers FJM, van As CJ. Spraakrevalidatie na totale laryngectomie middles stemprothesen. Handboek voor Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie 2002; 18: (B1.3.7.2b) 1-30.
31. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, van As CJ, Balm AJM, van den Brekel MWM, Tan IB. Development and clinical assessment of a Heat and Moisture Exchanger with a multi-magnet automatic tracheostoma valve (Provox FreeHands HME) for vocal and pulmonary rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 2003; 123: 91-99.
32. van As CJ, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, PolsLCW, Hilgers FJM. Perceptual evaluations of tracheoesophageal speech by naive and experienced judges through the use of semantic differential scales. J Speech Lang Hear Res 2003: 46: 947-959.
33. Op de Coul BMR, van den Hoogen FJA, van As CJ, Marres HAM, Joosten FBM, Manni JJ, Hilgers FJM. Evaluation of the effects of primary myotomy in total laryngectomy on the neoglottis using quantitative videofluoroscopy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2003: 129: 1000-1005.
34. Brown DH, Hilgers FJ, Irish JC, Balm AJ. Postlaryngectomy voice rehabilitation: state of the art at the millennium. World J Surg 2003: 27: 824-831
35. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, van den Brekel MWM, Tan IB, Persson JO. A new problem-solving indwelling voice prosthesis, eliminating frequent candida- and ‘under-pressure’-related replacements: Provox ActiValve. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 2003; 123: 972-979.
36. Jongmans P, van As C, Pols L, Hilgers F. An introduction to the assessment of intelligibility of tracheoesophageal speech. Institute of Phonetic Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Proceedings 25 (2003), 185–196.
37. van As CJ, Op de Coul BRM, Eysholdt U, Hilgers FJM. The value of digital high--speed endoscopy in addition to videofluoroscopy imaging of the neoglottis in tracheoesophageal speech. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 2004: 124: 82-89.
38. Hilgers FJM, van As CJ, van Dam FSAM. De gaap-ruikmethode: weer ruiken na een totale laryngectomie. Lopogedie & Foniatrie 2004; 4: 526-530.
39. Op de Coul BMR, Ackerstaff AH, van As CJ, van den Hoogen FJA, Meeuwis CA, Manni JJ, Hilgers FJM. Quality of life assessment in laryngectomized individuals: do we need additions to standard questionnaires in specific clinical research projects? Clin Otolaryngol 2005;30: 169-175.
40. Hilgers FJM, van As CJ. Postlaryngectomy voice rehabilitation with the consistent use of indwelling voice prostheses. In: Contemporary Considerations in the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Head and Neck Cancer: Voice, Speech and Swallowing. Editors: Philip C. Doyle and Robert L. Keith. PRO ED, Inc., Austin, 2005; pp 453-479. ISBN 0-89079-988-1.
41. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH. Respiratory consequences of total laryngectomy and the need for pulmonary protection and rehabilitation. In: Contemporary Considerations in the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Head and Neck Cancer: Voice, Speech and Swallowing. Editors: Philip C. Doyle and Robert L. Keith. PRO ED, Inc., Austin, 2005; pp. 503-520. ISBN 0-89079-988-1.
42. van As CJ, Hilgers FJM, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, Pols LCW. Anatomical and functional correlates of voice quality in tracheoesophageal speech. J Voice 2005; 19: 360-372.
43. Op de Coul BNR, Ackerstaff AH, van As-Brooks CJ, van den Hoogen FJA, Meeuwis CA, Manni JJ, Hilgers FJM. Compliance, quality of life and quantitative voice quality aspects of hands-free speech. Acta Otolaryngol 2005; 125: 629-637.
44. Jongmans P, Hilgers FJM, Pols LCW, van As-Brooks CJ. The intelligibility of tracheoesophageal speech: first results. (Peer reviewed paper in proceedings Interspeech Conference Lisbon, Portugal September 4-8.2005) Interspeech 2005: 1749-1752.
45. Zuur JK, Muller SH, de Jongh FHC, van Zandwijk N, Hilgers FJM. The physiological rationale of heat and moisture exchangers in postlaryngectomy pulmonary rehabilitation; a review. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2006; 263: 1-8.
46. Hilgers FJM, van As-Brooks CJ, Polak RMF, Tan IB. How I do it: Surgical improvement of hypotonicity in tracheoesophageal speech. Laryngoscope 2006;116:345-348.
47. Hilgers FJM. Letter to the editor (concerning paper by Oosterhoff JJ, van der Mei HC, Busscher HJ, Free RH, Kaper HJ, van Weissenbruch R, Albers FW. In vitro leakage susceptibility of tracheoesophageal shunt prostheses in the absence and presence of a biofilm. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2005; 73: 23-8). J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2006; 77B: 447-449 (+ author’s reply).
48. Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, van den Brekel MWM, Tan IB. Problembehandlung bei der prothetischen Stimmrehabilitation nach (totaler) Laryngektomie. DPGW Journal 2006; 33: 41-51.
49. van As CJ, van Beinum FL, Pols LCW, Hilgers FJM. Acoustic signal typing for evaluation of voice quality in tracheoesophageal speech. J Voice 2006; 20: 355-368.
50. Ackerstaff AH, Zuur JK, Hilgers FJM. Pulmonary function and rehabilitation. Book chapter in: Head and Neck Cancer: Treatment, Rehabilitation and Outcomes. Editors: EC Ward and CJ van As-Brooks. Publisher: Plural Publishing, Inc. San Diego, 2006; pp313-324. ISBN 1-59756-061-8.
51. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH. Development and evaluation of a novel tracheostoma button and fixation system (Provox LaryButton and LaryClip adhesive) to facilitate hands free tracheoesophageal speech. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 2006; 126: 1218-1224.
52. Jongmans P, Hilgers FJM, Pols LCW, van As-Brooks CJ. The intelligibility of tracheoesophageal speech, with an emphasis on the voiced-voiceless distinction. Log Phon Vocol. 2006; 31:172-181.
53. Lorenz KJ, Groll K, Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Maier H. Hands-free speech after surgical voice rehabilitation with a Provox® voice prosthesis - Experience with the Provox FreeHands HME tracheostoma valve® system. Eur Arch ORL 2007; 264: 151-157.
54. Jongmans P, Wempe T, Hilgers FJM, Pols LCW, van As-Brooks CJ. Acoustic correlates of the voiced-voiceless distinction in Dutch tracheoesophageal speech. (Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, August 6-10, 2007) ICPhS Proceedings 2007; XVI: 1997-2000.
55. Zuur JK, Muller SH, de Jongh FHC, van der Horst MJ, Shehata M, van Leeuwen J, Sinaasappel M, Hilgers FJM. A newly developed tool for intra-tracheal temperature and humidity assessment in laryngectomized individuals: the Airway Climate Explorer (ACE). Medical Biological Engineering and Computing 2007; 45: 737-745
56. Zuur JK, Muller SH, Sinaasappel M, Hart AAM, van Zandwijk N, Hilgers FJM. The influence of heat and moisture exchanger respiratory load on transcutaneous oxygenation in laryngectomized individuals; a randomised crossover study. Head Neck 2007; 29: 1102-1110.
57. Soolsma J, van den Brekel MWM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Tan IB, Hilgers FJM. Long-term results of Provox ActiValve, solving the problem of frequent Candida- and ‘underpressure’-related voice prosthesis replacements. Laryngoscope 2008; 118: 252-257.
58. Hilgers FJM, Soolsma J, van den Brekel MWM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Tan IB. A thin tracheal silicone washer solving periprosthetic leakage in laryngectomees; direct results and long-term clinical effects. Laryngoscope. 2008; 118: 640-645.
59. Soolsma J, van den Brekel MWM, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJM, Tan IB, Hilgers FJM. Long-term results of Provox ActiValve, solving the problem of frequent Candida- and ‘underpressure’-related voice prosthesis replacements. Laryngoscope 2008; 118: 252-257.
60. Zuur JK, Muller SH, Vincent A, Sinaasappel M, de Jongh FHC, Hilgers FJM. Assessment of tracheal temperature and humidity in laryngectomized individuals and the influence of heat and moisture exchangers on tracheal climate. Head Neck 2008; 30: 1072-1082.
61. Hilgers FJM, van den Brekel MWM. Practical tips for voice rehabilitation after pharyngolaryngectomy. In: Pearls and Pittfalls in Head and Neck Surgery; practical tips to minimize complications. Editor Cernea CR; associate editors: Dias FL, Fliss D, Lima RA, Myers EN, Wei WI. Karger Publishers, Basel, Freiburg, Paris, London, New York, Bangalore, Bangkok, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokio, Sydney; 2008, pp 96-97. ISBN 978-3-8055-8425-8.
62. Dirven R, Hilgers FJM, Plooij JM, Maal TJJ, Bergé SJ, Verkerke GJ, Marres HAM. 3D Stereophotogrammetry for the assessment of tracheostoma anatomy. Acta Otolaryngol. 2008; 128: 1248-1254.
63. Hilgers FJM, van den Brekel MWM, van Tinteren H. Views on Acton el al. “Investigation of tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis leakage patterns: Patient's self-report versus clinician's confirmation”, Head Neck 2008; 30: 618-621. Letter to the editor. Head Neck 2008; 30: 1660-1661.
64. MA van Rossum, P Jongmans, CJ van As-Brooks, FJM Hilgers. De ontwikkeling van een evidence-based therapieprogramma voor het verbeteren van spraakverstaanbaarheid bij tracheoesofageale sprekers. (The development of an evidence-based therapy program for the improvement of intelligibility in tracheoesophageal speakers). Stem-, Spraak-, en Taalpathologie 2008; 16: 112-123.
65. MA van Rossum, CJ van As-Brooks, FJM Hilgers, M Roozen. Quality of ‘glottal’ stops in tracheoesophageal speakers. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 2009; 23:1-14.
66. Hilgers FJM. Primary postlaryngectomy vocal, pulmonary and olfactory rehabilitation: an update on the present global state of the art. J Jap Bronchoesophagol Soc 2009; 60: 142-150.
67. VB Wreesmann, LM Smeele, FJM Hilgers, PJFM Lohuis. Closure of tracheoesophageal fistula with prefabricated revascularized bilaminar radial forearm free flap. Head Neck 2009; 31: 838-842.
68. Annemieke Ackerstaff, Frans Hilgers. Pulmonary rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. In: Voice restoration after total laryngectomy; Current science and future perspectives. Edited by Umanath K. Nayak, Aand Rehan Kazi. With Forewords by Eric D. Blom and Frans J.M. Hilgers. Publisher: Byword Books Private Limited, Delhi, India; 2009, pp 89-100.
69. Annemieke Ackerstaff, Frans Hilgers. Quality-of-life issues after total laryngectomy. In: Voice restoration after total laryngectomy; Current science and future perspectives. Edited by Umanath K. Nayak, Aand Rehan Kazi. With Forewords by Eric D. Blom and Frans J.M. Hilgers. Publisher: Byword Books Private Limited, Delhi, India; 2009, pp 101-112.
70. MA van Rossum, P Jongmans, CJ van As-Brooks, FJM Hilgers. Spraakverstaanbaarheid bij tracheoesophageal sprekers; een therapieprogramma voor het verbeteren van spraakverstaanbaarheid. Logopedie en Foniatrie 2009; 5: 172-176.
71. R Scheenstra, SH Muller, A Vincent, M Sinaasappel, JK Zuur, FJM Hilgers. Endotracheal temperature and humidity measurements in laryngectomized patients: intra- and inter-patient variability. Med Biol Eng Comput 2009; 47:773–782.
72. JK Zuur, SH Muller, A Vincent, M Sinaasappel, FHC de Jongh, FJM Hilgers. The influence of a heat and moisture exchanger on tracheal climate in a cold environment. Medical Engineering and Physics 2009; 31: 852-857.
73. I Jacobi, AH Ackerstaff, MA van Rossum, FJM Hilgers. Acoustic evaluation and speaker-subjective perception of tracheoesophageal voicing. Proceedings of the AVFA 3rd Advanced Voice Function International Workshop, Madrid, Spain, May 18-20, 2009; pp. 77-80.
74. Hilgers FJM, Tan IB. Comprehensive (prosthetic) voice, pulmonary and olfaction rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Book chapter (chapter 96) in: ‘Head and Neck Surgery’; editor in chief Chris de Souza; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD, New Delhi, India, 2009; pp 1390-1408.
75. FJM Hilgers, AH Ackerstaff, M van Rossum, I Jacobi, AJM Balm, IB Tan, MWM van den Brekel. Clinical phase I / feasibility study of the next generation indwelling Provox voice prosthesis (Provox Vega). Acta Otolaryngol. 2010; 130: 511-519.
76. P Jongmans, AG Wempe, H van Tinteren, FJM Hilgers, LCW Pols, CJ van As-Brooks. The acoustic analysis of the voiced-voiceless distinction in Dutch tracheoesophageal speech. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2010; 53: 284-97.
77. Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, van den Brekel MWM, Tan IB. Chapter 13. Surgery for larynx and hypopharyngeal cancer; f. Voice restoration. In: Surgery of Larynx and Trachea. Editors: Remacle and Eckel. Springer Verlag, Stuttgart; 2010; pp 245-256.
78. Hilgers FJM, van den Brekel MWM. Chapter 113: Vocal and Speech Rehabilitation Following Laryngectomy. In: Cummings Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery. 5th Edition. Editors: Flint, Haughey, Richardson, Robbins, Thomas, Niparko, and Lund. Elsevier, Philadelphia; 2010; pp 1594-1610.
79. Scheenstra RJ, Muller SH, Vincent A,Ackerstaff AH, Jacobi I, Hilgers FJM. Short-term endotracheal climate changes and clinical effects of a heat and moisture exchanger with an integrated electrostatic virus and bacterial filter developed for laryngectomized individuals. Acta Otolaryngol. 2010; 130; 739-746.
80. FJM Hilgers, AH Ackerstaff, I Jacobi, AJM Balm, IB Tan, MWM van den Brekel. Prospective clinical phase II study of two new indwelling voice prostheses (Provox Vega 22.5 and 20 Fr), and a novel anterograde insertion device (Provox Smart Inserter). Laryngoscope 2010; 120: 1135-1143.
81. R Dirven, PGC Kooijman, TJJ Maal, FJM Hilgers, SJ Bergé, HAM Marres. An external neck brace to support the peristomal fixation of an automatic stoma valve (ASV): 3D sterophotogrammetrical assessment. Acta Otolaryngol. 2010; 130: 851-858.
82. Scheenstra RJ, Muller SH, Vincent A, Sinaasappel M, Hilgers FJM. The influence of breathing resistance of heat and moisture exchangers on tracheal climate and breathing pattern in laryngectomized individuals. Head Neck 2010; 32: 1069-1078.
83. Karakullukcu B, Lohuis PJ, vd Brekel MW, Hilgers FJM. Sealing of small post-laryngectomy pharyngocutaneous fistulas with voice prosthesis. Laryngoscope 2010; 120: 1971-1973
84. RJ Scheenstra, SH Muller, A Vincent, FJM Hilgers. Heat and moisture exchange capacity of the upper respiratory tract and the effect of tracheotomy breathing on endotracheal climate. Head Neck 2011; 33: 117-124
85. van Son RJJH, Jacobi I, Hilgers F. Manipulating Tracheoesophageal Speech. Proceedings Interspeech 2010, Makuhari, Japan, pp. 274-277.
86. Irene Jacobi, Lisette van der Molen, Maya van Rossum, Frans Hilgers. Pre- and Short-term Posttreatment Vocal Functioning in Patients with Advanced Head and Neck Cancer Treated with Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy. Proceedings Interspeech 2010, Makuhari, Japan, pp. 2582-2585
87. L Baijens, R Speijer, N Roodenburg, F Hilgers. Prosthetic tracheoesophageal voice production and swallowing function in a patient following circumferential pharyngolaryngectomy and neopharyngeal reconstruction with a jejunal free flap. Dysphagia 2011; 26:78–84
88. RJ Scheenstra, SH Muller, A Vincent, A Ackerstaff, I Jacobi, FJM Hilgers. The effect of a newly developed heat and moisture exchanger for pulmonary rehabilitation of laryngectomized patients on the endotracheal temperature and humidity. Respiratory Care 2011; 56: 604-611
89. RJ Scheenstra, SH Muller, FJM Hilgers. Endotracheal temperature and humidity in laryngectomized patients in a warm and dry environment; are heat and moisture exchangers still effective? Head Neck 2011; 33: 1285-1293
90. EB van der Houwen, TA van Kalkeren, WJ Post, FJM Hilgers, BFAM van der Laan, GJ Verkerke. Does the patch fit the stoma? A study on peristoma geometry and patch use in laryngectomized patients. Clinical Otolaryngol. Online March 23, 2011
91. van Kalkeren TA, van der Houwen EB, Duits MA, Hilgers FJ, Hebe A, Mostafa BE, Lawson G, Martinez Z, Woisard V, Marioni G, Ruske D, Schultz P, Post WJ, Verkerke BJ, van der Laan BF. A worldwide, multi center study of peristomal geometry and morphology in laryngectomees and its clinical effects. Head Neck, online March 29, 2011
92. Jean-Claude Mérol, Anne Charpiot, Thibault Langagne, Patrick Hémar, Annemieke H Ackerstaff, Frans JM Hilgers. Randomized controlled trial on postoperative pulmonary humidification after total laryngectomy: External Humidifier versus Heat and Moisture Exchanger. Laryngoscope online N0vember 24, 2011.